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The Ecuadorian Amazon Jungle covers more than 1/3 of its territory
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Which ethnic races are found in Ecuador?


Ecuador is ethnically very diverse.  However, the predominant group is mestizo (mix between indigenous and European or other northern hemisphere blood), which accounts for 65% of the current population. The second most populous group comprises the 17 indigenous ethnic cultures or Amerindians, with 28% of the population. The Afro Ecuadorian population represents 5.5%, found mostly in the northern coast and a subtropical valley in the northern Andes. Finally, 1.5% of the population is white or Caucasian, mainly of Creole descent from the Spanish conquerors and other immigrants of European origin and white race.



What is Ecuador’s currency?


The official currency of Ecuador is the United States Dollar and is used in all public and private transactions, both national and international. Bills circulating in Ecuador are the same as those used in the United States.  However, Ecuador mints its own coins (1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 cents).  These coins are only valid within Ecuador. United States coins are also valid in Ecuador and can be freely used with those of the same value in the U.S. Most Ecuadorian cities have ATM machines.


How do I recognize a false bill?


Detecting false bill notes is not easy.  Banks, cashiers and larger shopping malls employ various methods, ranging from visual and tactile to machines especially designed to detect false bills. A common way of detecting a false bill is by the quality of the paper.  Forged bills often use a rougher texture than genuine ones. If in doubt, check with a reliable source.


Are medicines easily obtainable in Ecuador?


Freely available medicines (“over the counter”) such as aspirin, anti-acids, sea sickness pills, etc, can be found in most pharmacies.  However, if you use medicines prescribed by a doctor, either regularly or occasionally, you should bring sufficient amounts to cover the duration of your trip, including possible delays in returning.  Some may not be available in Ecuador. The medicine label or box should be kept handy as it may help to find a similar generic medicine if necessary.  Carry your doctor’s prescription to prove the legitimate need for such medicines.


If I am diabetic, can I receive dialysis in Ecuador?


Yes, but only in Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca where hospitals and specialized medical centers cater for this treatment.  You should only receive this treatment in a recognized and reliable hospital or specialized health center.

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